Berkhamsted Pre-Prep celebrated the creative arts with a jam-packed programme of activities during Creative Arts Week. Pupils explored music, drama, art, dance and writing stories during the week, which was themed around weather and ecology.
Every day brought something new and exciting for pupils to get involved with. Monday’s French Day saw pupils practise their language skills and learn some French dancing, while Tuesday’s Art Day allowed them to unleash their creativity making ocean-themed masterpieces. Pupils devised and performed seasonal poems on Wednesday’s Drama Day, and a special visit on Thursday introduced pupils to the music of the sunny Caribbean with steelpan drums.
‘Creative Arts Week is one of the best weeks we do with the children,’ said Karen O’Connor, Headteacher of Berkhamsted Prep and Pre-Prep. ‘It’s intended to bring out all the children’s skills and aptitudes, to have a go, take risks and have fun!’
The wide variety of activities designed during the week allowed pupils to Be Adventurous across different disciplines – whether that be honing their fine motor skills with a paintbrush, leading a group in a drama performance or learning a new language. But it’s not just Pre-Prep pupils who got involved: Year 6 ambassadors joined in with the fun by leading activities and encouraging the younger pupils to try new things.
Cross-key stage interaction benefits pupils on both sides and reinforces a sense of community across the Schools Group. While Pre-Prep pupils were able to look up to the ambassadors, the Year 6s were given the opportunity to take on a position of leadership and step outside their comfort zones. ‘It was really fun seeing the little ones show us the French they’ve learned and try to impress us’, said one French Ambassador. ‘I hope they learn that languages are important for life.’
The Year 6 ambassadors reflected on what the week has taught them about leadership: ‘We’ve improved our confidence and speaking in front of people,’ said one pupil. ‘We’ve learned that it’s fun to lead people, and you have to lead with a good example because people look up to you,’ another said.
‘The ambassadors will have gained a lot in terms of leadership,’ said Mr Margerison, Head of Languages across Berkhamsted’s senior schools. ‘This is the start of that leadership journey for when they start senior school next year.’ At Berkhamsted Prep, pupils can take on positions of responsibility as ambassadors in a variety of subjects, ensuring every pupil is offered the opportunity to learn new skills and challenge themselves. These early examples of leadership build the foundations for a remarkable future, both at senior school and beyond.