Eight riders from Leweston School's Equestrian team, took part in the NSEA South-West Regional Grass Roots Show Jumping at Moreton Equestrian Centre on Saturday 15 January 2022.
Congratulations to Grace S, Year 7, and Rosie M, Year 9, who both became NSEA SW Regional Grass Roots SJ Champions for winning their individual classes (Grace at 50cm and Rosie at 75cm).
There was lots of highlights and a great team spirit, and when it went a little adrift, experience was gained which is the main aim of this jumping series. Well done to Rosie M, Year 9, Grace S, Year 7, Ruby P, Year 7, Eva R, Year 7, Josie M, Year 7, Charlotte S, Prep 5, Poppy S, Prep 5 and Georgia S, Prep 6.