The iconic musical, Oliver!, is poised to make a triumphant return to the New Wimbledon Theatre, where it first graced the stage in 1960, before setting off on a remarkable journey through the West End and Broadway. We are thrilled to announce that this time, Oliver! is back in town, featuring a vibrant and enthusiastic cast of pupils from Surbiton High School.
This spectacular production boasts an ensemble of over 130 pupils, spanning the ages of 8 to 18, who will captivate the audience with their exceptional talents. The show promises to be an unforgettable experience, brimming with elaborate dance numbers, all expertly brought to life by our gifted young performers using original choreography. Adding a musical flair to the performance, the live band will include a substantial number of pupil musicians, joined by dedicated members of the school's staff.
Audiences are invited to witness this captivating rendition of Oliver! at the New Wimbledon Theatre from Thursday, November 16, to Saturday, November 18. Secure your tickets now for an unforgettable experience at the New Wimbledon Theatre.