To finish their English topic of Shakespeare, Year 6 at The Royal Prep School not only trod the boards at The Globe Theatre to enrich their Shakespeare study but were also treated to two arias from the opera of 'Romeo & Juliet' by professional singer Becca Ivey-Scott.
Pupils had an inspiring day in London; including a tour of the Globe and performing on the stage, followed by a workshop with one of the actors. Hugo felt he stepped back in time and empathised with the Elizabethan actors looking up at the crowds in the upper gallery. Issy enjoyed being backstage and learning how the actors knew their cue to go on.
Mrs Ivey-Scott visited the Prep School and completely blew the children away with her incredible performance, showcasing two very different pieces of music from the opera 'Romeo & Juliet'. The children could sense the point of the plot from the music; the first aria was upbeat and romantic as Juliet falls in love with Romeo, and the second was traumatic and filled with drama as Juliet realises (mistakenly) that her Romeo is dead. Mrs Mee, Deputy Head and Year 6 teacher, said, “What an incredible way to complete our learning; it provoked quite a response from us all.”